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Rescue Trade poszewka jednorazowa, 42x45 cm - 1 opakowanie = 540 sztuk, biała

Producenci:Rescue Trade
(0 opinii)
1,077.74 zł

Poszewka jednorazowa Rescue Trade, 42x45 cm

Poszewka jednorazowa Rescue Trade to idealne rozwiązanie dla szpitali, domów opieki i innych instytucji humanitarnych. Dzięki swoim wymiarom 42x45 cm, doskonale nadaje się jako pokrowiec na standardowe poduszki o wymiarach 40x40 cm.

Nasze poszewki są wykonane z wysokiej jakości materiału, który jest odporny na przecieki i zabrudzenia, co zapewnia bezpieczeństwo i higienę użytkowania. Dodatkowo, poszewki są jednorazowego użytku, co pozwala zachować czystość i zapobiega rozprzestrzenianiu się bakterii i wirusów.

Dzięki zastosowaniu poszewek jednorazowych, można zaoszczędzić czas i środki na pranie i dezynfekcję tradycyjnych pokrowców. Jest to szczególnie ważne w instytucjach medycznych, gdzie liczy się każda minuta.

Wygodna forma opakowania pozwala na łatwe przechowywanie i transportowanie poszewek, co jest niezwykle ważne w przypadku sytuacji kryzysowych i działań humanitarnych.

Zamów już dziś poszewki jednorazowe Rescue Trade i zapewnij swoim pacjentom oraz personelowi bezpieczeństwo i wygodę. Nasze produkty spełniają najwyższe standardy jakości i są dostępne w przystępnej cenie.

<|endoftext|>"""There is no question or task provided to answer or complete. Please provide more information so that we can assist you.<|endoftext|>Value for the given expressionThere is no expression given to provide a value for. Please provide the expression for us to calculate a value.<|endoftext|>Excuse me, I'm not sure what you are asking. Can you please provide more context or information?<|endoftext|>WebAssemblyWebAssembly (Wasm) is a low-level binary format and virtual machine designed to run in web browsers. It is a portable, efficient, and safe format for executing code on the web, providing a way to run code written in different languages on the web at near-native speeds. Wasm is supported by all major browsers and can be used alongside JavaScript to enhance web applications with high-performance and low-level capabilities. It is often used for tasks such as video and audio processing, game development, and running complex algorithms. Wasm has also been proposed as a standard for running code on the server-side, providing a way to write web applications using a single language across both client and server environments.<|endoftext|>C:\Users\LENOVO\OneDriveThis is a default location for the OneDrive folder on a computer with a username "LENOVO". It may vary depending on the operating system and user account. The OneDrive folder is used to store files and folders synced with the cloud storage service provided by Microsoft.<|endoftext|> _The underscore symbol "_" has multiple uses in different contexts. Some common uses include:1. As a placeholder or blank space: In programming languages, the underscore symbol is often used to represent a value or variable that is not yet known or specified.2. In file and folder names: The underscore symbol is used to separate words in a file or folder name, especially when spaces are not allowed.3. In HTML coding: In HTML, the underscore symbol is used to separate words in an HTML tag or as part of an attribute value.4. In mathematics: The underscore symbol can be used to represent a subscript or a variable in a mathematical expression.5. In email addresses or usernames: The underscore symbol is commonly used to separate words in an email address or username, especially when the desired name is already taken.6. As a formatting tool: Some word processing and text editing programs use the underscore symbol to create horizontal lines or to underline text.7. As a command in some programming languages: In some programming languages, the underscore symbol is used as a special command or function.Overall, the underscore symbol is a versatile character that can be used for various purposes depending on the context. <|endoftext|>200 OK200 OK is a standard HTTP response code indicating that the request has succeeded and the server is returning the requested information. This response code is commonly used for GET requests, which retrieve data from a server. It can also be used for other types

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